Copyright © 2024
The Application Profile specified in this document is based on the specification of the Data Catalog Vocabulary (DCAT) [[vocab-dcat-3]] developed under the responsibility of the [[[DXWG]]] (DXWG) at W3C.
The objective of this work is to produce a profile of DCAT based on numerous requests for change coming from real-world implementations of the specification listed on GitHub since the previous release. For that the DCAT specification is extended with improved definitions, usage notes and usages constraints such as cardinalities for properties and the usage of controlled vocabularies. Additional classes and properties from other well-known vocabularies are re-used where necessary.
The work does not cover implementation issues like mechanisms for exchange of data and expected behaviour of systems implementing the Application Profile other than what is defined in the Conformance Statement in section [[[#conformance]]]. The section [[[#validation-of-dcat-ap]]] provides SHACL templates and references to the Interoperability Testbed tool for validating a catalogue for compliance with DCAT-AP.
The Application Profile is intended to facilitate data exchange and therefore the classes and properties defined in this document are only relevant for the data to be exchanged; there are no requirements for communicating systems to implement specific technical environments. The only requirement is that the systems can export and import data in RDF in conformance with this Application Profile.
As mentioned in the context, the prime objective of the Application Profile is to enhance data findability and promote reusability. To achieve this goal, datasets should be coherently documented. To enable this, the Application Profile considers several essential aspects, including among others:
This application profile has the status SEMIC Draft Specification published at 2025-03-05.
Information about the process and the decisions involved in the creation of this specification are consultable at the Changelog.
Copyright © 2025 European Union. All material in this repository is published under the license CC-BY 4.0, unless explicitly otherwise mentioned.
An Application Profile is a specification that reuses terms from one or more base standards, adding more specificity by identifying mandatory, recommended and optional elements to be used for a particular application, as well as recommendations for controlled vocabularies to be used. Application refers to the usage context of the specification. It may be abstract, for instance covering a data theme such as mobility data, but also it may refer to specific tools like open data portals. For DCAT-AP the usage scope is broad and in the first place taking into account the European legal context.
A Dataset is a collection of data, published or curated by a single source, and available for access or download in one or more formats. A Data Portal is a Web-based system that contains a data catalogue with descriptions of datasets and provides services enabling discovery and reuse of the datasets.
Prefix | Namespace IRI |
adms | |
dcat | |
dcatap | |
dct | |
dctype | |
foaf | |
locn | |
odrl | |
owl | |
prov | |
rdf | |
rdfs | |
skos | |
spdx | |
time | |
vcard | |
xsd | |
DCAT-AP is a DCAT profile for sharing information about Catalogues containing Datasets and Data Services descriptions in Europe. The core classes of the Application Profile are thus the classes Catalogue, Dataset, Distribution and Data Service. DCAT-AP allows Catalogues of only Datasets, but also Catalogues of only Data Services, but usually it will be a mixture of both. Dataset Series are introduced to further organise the Datasets within a Catalogue.
The properties of the core classes may enforce the existence of other classes. One such important class is the class Agent. However in contrast to the core classes, DCAT-AP leaves a lot of freedom to the implementors to shape them to their needs. Only minimal expectations are expressed by DCAT-AP.
Elaborated statements about the expectations are found in section [[[#conformance]]] describing DCAT-AP conformance.
To improve the coherency between shared Dataset, Distribution and Data Service, section [[[#usage-guide-on-datasets-distributions-and-data-services]]] provides additional guidelines.
The list of included properties contain a selection of the properties from the W3C DCAT 3 specification [[vocab-dcat-3]] on which DCAT-AP expresses additional constraints or on which DCAT-AP wants to emphasise their usage. Any property that is mentioned in DCAT applicable to a class but not explicitly is listed DCAT-AP is considered an optional field for DCAT-AP for that class. It means that for these properties DCAT-AP has no use cases that require additional usage considerations beyond ‘use the property as DCAT specifies’. Properties that are not explicitly listed in this specification have no conformance expectation. From that perspective these are ignored. DCAT-AP acts in this way as a filter for all the possibilities DCAT offers. Nevertheless, to keep the DCAT-AP concise and to the point optional DCAT-AP properties that have no additional usage notes to DCAT may become subject for removal if the usage in the practice is sporadic.
This document describes the usage of the following main entities for a correct usage of the Application Profile:
Agent |
Catalogue |
Catalogue Record |
Catalogued Resource |
Checksum |
Data Service |
Dataset |
Dataset Series |
Distribution |
Kind |
Licence Document |
Location |
Relationship |
The main entities are supported by:
Activity |
Attribution |
Checksum Algorithm |
Concept |
Concept Scheme |
Document |
Frequency |
Geometry |
Identifier |
Legal Resource |
Linguistic system |
Literal |
Media Type |
Media Type or Extent |
Period of time |
Policy |
Provenance Statement |
Resource |
Rights statement |
Role |
Standard |
And supported by these datatypes:
| Temporal Literal | Time instant | xsd:dateTime | xsd:decimal | xsd:duration | xsd:hexBinary | xsd:nonNegativeInteger |
The main entities are those that form the core of the Application Profile. The properties and their associated constraints that apply in the context of this profile are listed in a tabular form. Each row corresponds to one property. In addition to the constraints also cross-references are provided to DCAT. To save space, the following abbreviations are used to indicate in short the difference with DCAT:
Property | Range | Card | Definition | Usage | Reuse |
applicable legislation | Legal Resource | 0..* | The legislation that mandates the creation or management of the Catalogue. | P | |
catalogue | Catalogue | 0..* | A catalogue whose contents are of interest in the context of this catalogue. | A | |
creator | Agent | 0..1 | An entity responsible for the creation of the catalogue. | E | |
dataset | Dataset | 0..* | A Dataset that is part of the Catalogue. | As empty Catalogues are usually indications of problems, this property should be combined with the property service to implement an empty Catalogue check. | A |
description | Literal | 1..* | A free-text account of the Catalogue. | This property can be repeated for parallel language versions of the description. | E |
geographical coverage | Location | 0..* | A geographical area covered by the Catalogue. | E | |
has part | Catalogue | 0..* | A related Catalogue that is part of the described Catalogue. | E | |
homepage | Document | 0..1 | A web page that acts as the main page for the Catalogue. | E | |
language | Linguistic system | 0..* | A language used in the textual metadata describing titles, descriptions, etc. of the Datasets in the Catalogue. | This property can be repeated if the metadata is provided in multiple languages. | E |
licence | Licence Document | 0..1 | A licence under which the Catalogue can be used or reused. | E | |
modification date | Temporal Literal | 0..1 | The most recent date on which the Catalogue was modified. | E | |
publisher | Agent | 1 | An entity (organisation) responsible for making the Catalogue available. | In case multiple organisations are considered the publishers of the catalogue, it is recommended to use foaf:Group to bundle them into one entity. | E |
record | Catalogue Record | 0..* | A Catalogue Record that is part of the Catalogue. | A | |
release date | Temporal Literal | 0..1 | The date of formal issuance (e.g., publication) of the Catalogue. | E | |
rights | Rights statement | 0..* | A statement that specifies rights associated with the Catalogue. | A | |
service | Data Service | 0..* | A site or end-point (Data Service) that is listed in the Catalogue. | As empty Catalogues are usually indications of problems, this property should be combined with the property dataset to implement an empty Catalogue check. | A |
temporal coverage | Period of time | 0..* | A temporal period that the Catalogue covers. | A | |
themes | Concept Scheme | 0..* | A knowledge organization system used to classify the Resources that are in the Catalogue. | This property refers to a knowledge organization system used to classify the Catalogue's Datasets. It must have at least the value NAL:data-theme as this is the manatory controlled vocabulary for dcat:theme. | E |
title | Literal | 1..* | A name given to the Catalogue. | This property can be repeated for parallel language versions of the name. | E |
Property | Range | Card | Definition | Usage | Reuse |
application profile | Standard | 0..* | An Application Profile that the Catalogued Resource's metadata conforms to. | E | |
change type | Concept | 0..1 | The status of the catalogue record in the context of editorial flow of the dataset and data service descriptions. | P | |
description | Literal | 0..* | A free-text account of the record. This property can be repeated for parallel language versions of the description. | E | |
language | Linguistic system | 0..* | A language used in the textual metadata describing titles, descriptions, etc. of the Catalogued Resource. | This property can be repeated if the metadata is provided in multiple languages. | P |
listing date | Temporal Literal | 0..1 | The date on which the description of the Resource was included in the Catalogue. | E | |
modification date | Temporal Literal | 1 | The most recent date on which the Catalogue entry was changed or modified. | E | |
primary topic | Catalogued Resource | 1 | A link to the Dataset, Data service or Catalog described in the record. | A catalogue record will refer to one entity in a catalogue. This can be either a Dataset or a Data Service. To ensure an unambigous reading of the cardinality the range is set to Catalogued Resource. However it is not the intend with this range to require the explicit use of the class Catalogued Record. As abstract class, an subclass should be used. | E |
source metadata | Catalogue Record | 0..1 | The original metadata that was used in creating metadata for the Dataset, Data Service or Dataset Series. | P | |
title | Literal | 0..* | A name given to the Catalogue Record. | This property can be repeated for parallel language versions of the name. | E |
Property | Range | Card | Definition | Usage | Reuse |
algorithm | Checksum Algorithm | 1 | The algorithm used to produce the subject Checksum. | E | |
checksum value | xsd:hexBinary | 1 | A lower case hexadecimal encoded digest value produced using a specific algorithm. | E |
Property | Range | Card | Definition | Usage | Reuse |
access rights | Rights statement | 0..1 | Information regarding access or restrictions based on privacy, security, or other policies. | E | |
applicable legislation | Legal Resource | 0..* | The legislation that mandates the creation or management of the Data Service. | P | |
conforms to | Standard | 0..* | An established (technical) standard to which the Data Service conforms. | The standards referred here SHOULD describe the Data Service and not the data it serves. The latter is provided by the dataset with which this Data Service is connected. For instance the data service adheres to the OGC WFS API standard, while the associated dataset adheres to the INSPIRE Address data model. | E |
contact point | Kind | 0..* | Contact information that can be used for sending comments about the Data Service. | A | |
description | Literal | 0..* | A free-text account of the Data Service. | This property can be repeated for parallel language versions of the description. | E |
documentation | Document | 0..* | A page or document about this Data Service | P | |
endpoint description | Resource | 0..* | A description of the services available via the end-points, including their operations, parameters etc. | The property gives specific details of the actual endpoint instances, while the property application profile (dct:conformsTo) is used to indicate the general standard or specification that the endpoints implement. | A |
endpoint URL | Resource | 1..* | The root location or primary endpoint of the service (an IRI). | E | |
format | Media Type or Extent | 0..* | The structure that can be returned by querying the endpointURL. | P | |
keyword | Literal | 0..* | A keyword or tag describing the Data Service. | A | |
landing page | Document | 0..* | A web page that provides access to the Data Service and/or additional information. | It is intended to point to a landing page at the original data service provider, not to a page on a site of a third party, such as an aggregator. | E |
licence | Licence Document | 0..1 | A licence under which the Data service is made available. | E | |
publisher | Agent | 0..1 | An entity (organisation) responsible for making the Data Service available. | E | |
serves dataset | Dataset | 0..* | This property refers to a collection of data that this data service can distribute. | A | |
theme | Concept | 0..* | A category of the Data Service. | A Data Service may be associated with multiple themes. | E |
title | Literal | 1..* | A name given to the Data Service. | This property can be repeated for parallel language versions of the name. | E |
Property | Range | Card | Definition | Usage | Reuse |
access rights | Rights statement | 0..1 | Information that indicates whether the Dataset is publicly accessible, has access restrictions or is not public. | E | |
applicable legislation | Legal Resource | 0..* | The legislation that mandates the creation or management of the Dataset. | P | |
conforms to | Standard | 0..* | An implementing rule or other specification. | A | |
contact point | Kind | 0..* | Contact information that can be used for sending comments about the Dataset. | A | |
creator | Agent | 0..* | An entity responsible for producing the dataset. | A | |
dataset distribution | Distribution | 0..* | An available Distribution for the Dataset. | A | |
description | Literal | 1..* | A free-text account of the Dataset. | This property can be repeated for parallel language versions of the description. | E |
documentation | Document | 0..* | A page or document about this Dataset. | P | |
frequency | Frequency | 0..1 | The frequency at which the Dataset is updated. | E | |
geographical coverage | Location | 0..* | A geographic region that is covered by the Dataset. | E | |
has version | Dataset | 0..* | A related Dataset that is a version, edition, or adaptation of the described Dataset. | A | |
identifier | Literal | 0..* | The main identifier for the Dataset, e.g. the URI or other unique identifier in the context of the Catalogue. | E | |
in series | Dataset Series | 0..* | A dataset series of which the dataset is part. | E | |
is referenced by | Resource | 0..* | A related resource, such as a publication, that references, cites, or otherwise points to the dataset. | A | |
keyword | Literal | 0..* | A keyword or tag describing the Dataset. | A | |
landing page | Document | 0..* | A web page that provides access to the Dataset, its Distributions and/or additional information. | It is intended to point to a landing page at the original data provider, not to a page on a site of a third party, such as an aggregator. | A |
language | Linguistic system | 0..* | A language of the Dataset. | This property can be repeated if there are multiple languages in the Dataset. | E |
modification date | Temporal Literal | 0..1 | The most recent date on which the Dataset was changed or modified. | E | |
other identifier | Identifier | 0..* | A secondary identifier of the Dataset | Examples are MAST/ADS [[MASTADS]], DOI [[DOI]], EZID [[EZID]] or W3ID [[W3ID]]. | E |
provenance | Provenance Statement | 0..* | A statement about the lineage of a Dataset. | P | |
publisher | Agent | 0..1 | An entity (organisation) responsible for making the Dataset available. | E | |
qualified attribution | Attribution | 0..* | An Agent having some form of responsibility for the resource. | A | |
qualified relation | Relationship | 0..* | A description of a relationship with another resource. | A | |
related resource | Resource | 0..* | A related resource. | A | |
release date | Temporal Literal | 0..1 | The date of formal issuance (e.g., publication) of the Dataset. | E | |
sample | Distribution | 0..* | A sample distribution of the dataset. | P | |
source | Dataset | 0..* | A related Dataset from which the described Dataset is derived. | P | |
spatial resolution | xsd:decimal | 0..* | The minimum spatial separation resolvable in a dataset, measured in meters. | A | |
temporal coverage | Period of time | 0..* | A temporal period that the Dataset covers. | A | |
temporal resolution | xsd:duration | 0..1 | The minimum time period resolvable in the dataset. | E | |
theme | Concept | 0..* | A category of the Dataset. | A Dataset may be associated with multiple themes. | E |
title | Literal | 1..* | A name given to the Dataset. | This property can be repeated for parallel language versions of the name. | E |
type | Concept | 0..* | A type of the Dataset. | A recommended controlled vocabulary data-type is foreseen. | E |
version | Literal | 0..1 | The version indicator (name or identifier) of a resource. | E | |
version notes | Literal | 0..* | A description of the differences between this version and a previous version of the Dataset. | This property can be repeated for parallel language versions of the version notes. | P |
was generated by | Activity | 0..* | An activity that generated, or provides the business context for, the creation of the dataset. | A |
Property | Range | Card | Definition | Usage | Reuse |
applicable legislation | Legal Resource | 0..* | The legislation that mandates the creation or management of the Dataset Series. | P | |
contact point | Kind | 0..* | Contact information that can be used for sending comments about the Dataset Series. | A | |
description | Literal | 1..* | A free-text account of the Dataset Series. | This property can be repeated for parallel language versions. It is recommended to provide an indication about the dimensions the Dataset Series evolves. | E |
frequency | Frequency | 0..1 | The frequency at which the Dataset Series is updated. | The frequency of a dataset series is not equal to the frequency of the dataset in the collection. | E |
geographical coverage | Location | 0..* | A geographic region that is covered by the Dataset Series. | When spatial coverage is a dimension in the dataset series then the spatial coverage of each dataset in the collection should be part of the spatial coverage. In that case, an open ended value is recommended, e.g. EU or a broad bounding box covering the expected values. | A |
modification date | Temporal Literal | 0..1 | The most recent date on which the Dataset Series was changed or modified. | This is not equal to the most recent modified dataset in the collection of the dataset series. | E |
publisher | Agent | 0..1 | An entity (organisation) responsible for ensuring the coherency of the Dataset Series | The publisher of the dataset series may not be the publisher of all datasets. E.g. a digital archive could take over the publishing of older datasets in the series. | E |
release date | Temporal Literal | 0..1 | The date of formal issuance (e.g., publication) of the Dataset Series. | The moment when the dataset series was established as a managed resource. This is not equal to the release date of the oldest dataset in the collection of the dataset series. | E |
temporal coverage | Period of time | 0..* | A temporal period that the Dataset Series covers. | When temporal coverage is a dimension in the dataset series then the temporal coverage of each dataset in the collection should be part of the temporal coverage. In that case, an open ended value is recommended, e.g. after 2012. | A |
title | Literal | 1..* | A name given to the Dataset Series. | This property can be repeated for parallel language versions of the name. | E |
Property | Range | Card | Definition | Usage | Reuse |
access service | Data Service | 0..* | A data service that gives access to the distribution of the dataset. | A | |
access URL | Resource | 1..* | A URL that gives access to a Distribution of the Dataset. | The resource at the access URL may contain information about how to get the Dataset. | E |
applicable legislation | Legal Resource | 0..* | The legislation that mandates the creation or management of the Distribution. | P | |
availability | Concept | 0..1 | An indication how long it is planned to keep the Distribution of the Dataset available. | P | |
byte size | xsd:nonNegativeInteger | 0..1 | The size of a Distribution in bytes. | E | |
checksum | Checksum | 0..1 | A mechanism that can be used to verify that the contents of a distribution have not changed. | The checksum is related to the downloadURL. | E |
compression format | Media Type | 0..1 | The format of the file in which the data is contained in a compressed form, e.g. to reduce the size of the downloadable file. | It SHOULD be expressed using a media type as defined in the official register of media types managed by IANA. | E |
description | Literal | 0..* | A free-text account of the Distribution. | This property can be repeated for parallel language versions of the description. | E |
documentation | Document | 0..* | A page or document about this Distribution. | P | |
download URL | Resource | 0..* | A URL that is a direct link to a downloadable file in a given format. | E | |
format | Media Type or Extent | 0..1 | The file format of the Distribution. | E | |
has policy | Policy | 0..1 | The policy expressing the rights associated with the distribution if using the [[ODRL]] vocabulary. | E | |
language | Linguistic system | 0..* | A language used in the Distribution. | This property can be repeated if the metadata is provided in multiple languages. | P |
licence | Licence Document | 0..1 | A licence under which the Distribution is made available. | E | |
linked schemas | Standard | 0..* | An established schema to which the described Distribution conforms. | E | |
media type | Media Type | 0..1 | The media type of the Distribution as defined in the official register of media types managed by IANA. | E | |
modification date | Temporal Literal | 0..1 | The most recent date on which the Distribution was changed or modified. | E | |
packaging format | Media Type | 0..1 | The format of the file in which one or more data files are grouped together, e.g. to enable a set of related files to be downloaded together. | It SHOULD be expressed using a media type as defined in the official register of media types managed by IANA. | E |
release date | Temporal Literal | 0..1 | The date of formal issuance (e.g., publication) of the Distribution. | E | |
rights | Rights statement | 0..* | A statement that specifies rights associated with the Distribution. | A | |
spatial resolution | xsd:decimal | 0..1 | The minimum spatial separation resolvable in a dataset distribution, measured in meters. | E | |
status | Concept | 0..1 | The status of the distribution in the context of maturity lifecycle. | It MUST take one of the values Completed, Deprecated, Under Development, Withdrawn. | P |
temporal resolution | xsd:duration | 0..1 | The minimum time period resolvable in the dataset distribution. | E | |
title | Literal | 0..* | A name given to the Distribution. | This property can be repeated for parallel language versions of the description. | E |
Property | Range | Card | Definition | Usage | Reuse |
preferred label | Literal | 1..n | A preferred label of the concept. | This property can be repeated for parallel language versions of the label. | P |
Property | Range | Card | Definition | Usage | Reuse |
beginning | Time instant | 0..1 | The beginning of a period or interval. | E | |
end | Time instant | 0..1 | The end of a period or interval. | E | |
end date | Temporal Literal | 0..1 | The end of the period. | E | |
start date | Temporal Literal | 0..1 | The start of the period. | E |
Class | Definition |
rdfs:Literal encoded using the relevant [[ISO8601]] Date and Time compliant string and typed using the appropriate XML Schema datatype (xsd:gYear, xsd:gYearMonth, xsd:date, or xsd:dateTime). | |
A temporal entity with zero extent or duration. | |
Object with integer-valued year, month, day, hour and minute properties, a decimal-valued second property, and a boolean timezoned property. | |
Decimal represents a subset of the real numbers, which can be represented by decimal numerals. The ·value space· of decimal is the set of numbers that can be obtained by multiplying an integer by a non-positive power of ten, i.e., expressible as i × 10^-n where i and n are integers and n >= 0. | |
Duration represents a duration of time. The ·value space· of duration is a six-dimensional space where the coordinates designate the Gregorian year, month, day, hour, minute, and second components defined in § of [[ISO8601]], respectively. | |
Hex-encoded binary data. The ·value space· of hexBinary is the set of finite-length sequences of binary octets. | |
Number derived from integer by setting the value of minInclusive to be 0. |
The first two (and preferably also the others) SHOULD only be used for requirements that can be verified by a machine. If the validation can only be realised with the involvement of humans, then a less strong requirement (RECOMMMENDED or MAY) is used, even if the intention is to be very strict. This is to ensure that the provided SHACL representations correspond closely to all use cases possible. Stronger enforcements are left for implementations as they have control on actual data exchange.
Property URI | Used for Class | Vocabulary name | Usage note |
dcat:mediaType | Distribution | IANA Media Types | |
dct:accrualPeriodicity | Dataset,Dataset Series | EU Vocabularies Frequency Named Authority List | |
dct:format | Distribution,Data Service | EU Vocabularies File Type Named Authority List | |
dct:language | Catalogue,Dataset, Catalogue Records, Distribution | EU Vocabularies Languages Named Authority List | |
adms:status | Distribution | EU Vocabularies Distribution Status | |
dcatap:availability | Distribution | Distribution availability vocabulary | The list of terms for the avalability levels of a dataset distribution in the DCAT-AP specification. |
spdx:algorithm | Checksum | Checksum algorithm members | The members listed are considered a controlled vocabulary of supported checksum algorithms. |
Property URI | Used for Class | Vocabulary name | Usage note |
dcat:theme | Dataset, Data Service, Catalogue | Dataset Theme Vocabulary | The values to be used for this property are the URIs of the concepts in the vocabulary. |
Property URI | Used for Class | Vocabulary name | Usage note |
dct:type | Agent | ADMS publisher type vocabulary | The list of terms in the ADMS publisher type vocabulary is included in the ADMS specification |
dct:type | Licence Document | ADMS licence type vocabulary | The list of terms in the ADMS licence type vocabulary is included in the ADMS specification |
dct:accessRights | Dataset, Data Service | Access Rights Named Authority List | Use one of the following values (:PUBLIC, :RESTRICTED, :NON_PUBLIC). |
Property URI | Used for Class | Vocabulary name | Usage note |
dct:publisher | Catalogue,Dataset,Dataset Series,Data Service | EU Vocabularies Corporate bodies Named Authority List | The Corporate bodies NAL must be used for European institutions and a small set of international organisations. In case of other types of organisations, national, regional or local vocabularies should be used. |
dct:spatial | Catalogue,Dataset,Dataset Series | EU Vocabularies Continents Named Authority List, EU Vocabularies Countries Named Authority List, EU Vocabularies Places Named Authority List, Geonames | The EU Vocabularies Name Authority Lists must be used for continents, countries and places that are in those lists; if a particular location is not in one of the mentioned Named Authority Lists, Geonames URIs must be used. |
dct:type | Dataset | Dataset-type authority table | This list of terms provide types of datasets. Its main scope is to support dataset categorisation of the EU Open Data Portal. |
Providing correct and sufficient legal information is important to create trust by candidate reusers. Without explicit legal information there is a risk involved in the reuse of data, because one has no way of knowing what is allowed. While in the past legislation and initiatives such as Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable [[FAIR]] data stress the importance of this information, recent legislations, such as the High Value Datasets regulation, have become more demanding by imposing a minimum level of reuse. As a general principle, it is recommended that publishers consult their legal services to provide the appropriate values.
Within DCAT-AP properties licence, rights and access rights are used to share this information. The basic guidelines for their usage are expressed in the License and Rights statements guideline in DCAT. DCAT-AP implementers SHOULD consult these, in addition with the additional advices for the DCAT-AP usage context provided in this section. The general principle is that licences, rights and access rights are expressions in the context of a legislation. It is possible (and allowed) that a EU Member State prescribes specific licences to be used for data published by the public sector. And thus, publishers of that EU Member State will use that in the metadata descriptions. This diversity can be considered a hurdle for cross-border reuse, as the implications of the licence might not be understood by users from another EU Member State. This creates a natural tendency to use licences (or rights) which have a wider adoption than national legislation. Unless restricted by national legislation, implementers are encouraged for that reason to use widely recognised licences such as Creative Commons licences. In particular it is advised for [[FAIR]] data to consider CC BY 4.0 (the minimum limit set by the HVD implementing regulation) or more permissive such as licences CC Zero. An assessment of [[DEU]] in 2023 showed that there are different representations to indicate the same licence. To create a more harmonised experience throughout Europe, it is recommended to use the NAL licence maintained by the Publications Office if allowed by national legislation. If local representations are used, then the equivalence with a licence in this NAL should be provided. This mapping is expressed as metadata to local representation. Note that this mapping is not determining the reuse conditions; the legal binding reuse conditions are those that are directly associated with the Distribution or Data Service. Nevertheless, by applying this recommendation, it is possible for a cross-border reuser to get an insight in the reuse conditions without a detailed understanding the local legislation. To encourage publishers to provide legal information DCAT-AP recommends to provide licence information. However, in some EU Member States, the term licence has a specific interpretation; in that interpretation the to-be provided legal information cannot be supplied as a document for property licence. In those legislative contexts it is advised to translate this encouragement in appropriate metadata guidelines for the targeted publishers. For instance, such guidelines could state that one must use a set of rights to document the reuse conditions. Since legal information may vary per distribution or service, DCAT-AP has adopted from its conception, the strategy to only express legal information at the most concrete level of sharing, i.e. Distribution or Data Service. Suppose licensing information is also given on the Dataset level, there is a possibility that this is in conflict with licensing information on the Distribution, in which case it cannot be established which licence takes precedence. By this strategy, the need for a conflict resolution between legal information at the level of a Dataset (or Dataset Series) and its associated Distributions or Data Services is avoided. Despite the above examples provided here are a perfect fit for those that are in scope of 'Open Data', they apply also for data that is beyond the scope of 'Open Data'. E.g. the Data Governance Act requires to provide sufficient legal reuse information such as the fees that apply.The first version of DCAT Application Profile [[vocab-dcat-1]] had a single property to relate an Agent (typically, an organisation) to a Dataset. The only such ‘agent role’ that could be expressed in that version of the profile is through the property publisher, defined as “An entity responsible for making the dataset available”. A second property is available in that DCAT recommendation [[vocab-dcat-1]], contact point, defined as “Link a dataset to relevant contact information which is provided using vCard”, but this is not an agent role as the value of this property is contact data, rather than a representation of the organisation as such. In specific cases, for example in exchanging data among domain-specific portals, it may be useful to express other, more specific agent roles. In such cases, extensions to DCAT-AP may be defined using additional properties with more specific meanings.
Two possible approaches have been discussed, particular in the context of the development of the domain-specific GeoDCAT Application Profile [[geodcat-ap]]. The first possible approach is based on the use of a predicate vocabulary that provides a set of properties that represent additional types of relationships between Datasets and Agents. For example, properties could be defined, such as foo:owner, foo:curator or foo:responsibleParty, in addition to the use of existing well-known properties, such as dct:creator and dct:rightsHolder. A possible source for such additional properties is the Roles Named Authority List maintained by the Publications Office of the EU. Other domain-specific sources for additional properties are the INSPIRE Responsible Party roles ,the Library of Congress’ MARC relators and DataCite’s contributor types. To enable the use of such properties, they must be defined as RDF properties with URIs in a well-managed namespace.
A second approach is based on the use of W3C’s PROV ontology [[prov-o]] which provides a powerful mechanism to express a set of classes, properties, and restrictions that can be used to represent and interchange provenance information generated in different systems and under different contexts. In the context of work on GeoDCAT-AP, a PROV-conformant solution for expressing agent roles was agreed . This solution uses prov:qualifiedAttribution in combination with a dct:type assertion pointing to the code list for Responsible Party Role in the INSPIRE registry. To enable the use of such types, they must be defined with URIs in a well-managed namespace.
Based on the experience gained with the use of domain-specific extensions for additional ‘agent roles’ in the exchange of information about Datasets and on the requests of implementors and stakeholders, the DCAT Application Profile release 2.0.0 is extended with additional roles as proposed by DCAT Version 2 [[vocab-dcat-2]] that have proven to be useful across domains. Precisely, properties creator, qualified attribution and qualified relation have been added to Dataset class to further facilitate relationships between datasets and agents.
In the most recent DCAT Version 3 [[vocab-dcat-3]] a dedicated section on the relationship with Agents is provided. The DCAT-AP guidelines for Agents Roles are conformant to this.
It should be noted that, even if a more expressive approach is used in a particular implementation, the provision of information using dct:publisher for the Catalogue is still mandatory under the rules laid down in the Conformance Statement in section [[[#conformance]]], while the provision of information using dct:publisher is strongly recommended for Dataset. The provision of such information using dct:publisher will ensure interoperability with implementations that use the basic approach of DCAT-AP.
Accessibility in the context of this Application Profile is limited to information about the technical format of distributions of datasets. The properties dcat:mediaType and dct:format provide information that can be used to determine what software can be deployed to process the data. The accessibility of the data within the datasets needs to be taken care of by the software that processes the data and is outside of the scope of this Application Profile.
Multilingual aspects related to this Application Profile concern all properties whose contents are expressed as strings (i.e. rdfs:Literal) with human-readable text. Wherever such properties are used, the string values are of one of two types:
Wherever values of properties are expressed with either type of string, the property can be repeated with translations in the case of free text and with parallel versions in case of named entities. For free text, e.g. in the cases of titles, descriptions and keywords, the language tag is mandatory.
Language tags to be used with rdfs:Literal are defined by BCP47 [[rfc5646]], which allows the use of the "t" extension for text transformations defined in RFC6497 [[rfc6497]] with the field "t0" indicating a machine translation.
A language tag will look like: "en-t-es-t0-abcd", which conveys the information that the string is in English, translated from Spanish by machine translation using a tool named "abcd".
For named entities, the language tag is optional and should only be provided if the parallel version of the name is strictly associated with a particular language. For example, the name ‘European Union’ has parallel versions in all official languages of the union, while a name like ‘W3C’ is not associated with a particular language and has no parallel versions.
For linking to different language versions of associated web pages (e.g. landing pages) or documentation, a content negotiation mechanism may be used whereby different content is served based on the Accept-Languages indicated by the browser. Using such a mechanism, the link to the page or document can resolve to different language versions of the page or document.
All the occurrences of the property dct:language, which can be repeated if the metadata is provided in multiple languages, MUST have a URI [[rfc3986]] as their object, not a literal string from the ISO 639 code list.
How multilingual information is handled in systems, for example in indexing and user interfaces, is outside of the scope of this Application Profile.
The introduction of Data Services as first class citizens in DCAT 2.0 raised questions about the usage of Data Services and Distributions. This section provides a guideline for publishers what to consider as a Distribution and what as a Data Service.
A first distinction between distributions and data services is their dependency on a dataset for their existence. A distribution cannot exist without its dataset. It is a specific representation of a dataset (cfr definition W3C Distribution). Whereas a data service is an entity in its own right. It provides access to datasets or it provides data processing functions. The independence also holds between the distributions of a dataset, and the data service which provides access to that dataset. The distributions are not required to be the result of the data service operations. However, they may.
Many of the properties of distributions are file oriented (downloadURL, format, byte size, checksum, modification date, ...). The relevance of this information is reduced for data services, related information is present in a very different form and thus under different terminology. For instance, data services do and can provide format transformations, language transformations and schema transformations on request. Also the handling of trust is different. While tampering of downloadable content is detected by e.g. checksums, data services create often a trusted channel using security measures such as authentication and encryption. This reduces the need for additional trust checks on the data.
The difference between downloading a file or accessing the data through a service have resulted in the following guidelines:
Orthogonal to the nature clarification of distributions and data services, there might be need for a granularity clarification between datasets and distributions. Commonly, at first sight, it is expected that all distributions of a dataset are identical in content, only differing in the representation of the data. But when considering dataset series, this interpretation seems not valid anymore. In the upcoming release of DCAT 3.0, dataset series and dataset versioning are addressed. Implementors are advised to already take this proposal into account when creating guidelines for distributions. Note that this is less an issue between datasets and data services as both are independent entities. Data services usually address the granularity by providing the necessary query interface language so that the user can get the data according its needs.
These guidelines will be able to capture many access patterns, corresponding to most users' expectations. However there might be cases that are more vague. In that case the DCAT(-AP) community can be questioned for a recommended approach.
refers to the update frequency of the associated Distributions or the update frequency of the collection. To avoid these semantical conflicts, it is recommended not to associate distributions with a Dataset Series.
In light of the growing importance of data, the European Commission has adopted an
To support the check whether or not a catalogue satisfies the expressed constraints in this Application Profile, the constraints in this specification are expressed using SHACL [[shacl]]. Each constraint in this specification that could be converted into a SHACL expression has been included. As such this collection of SHACL expressions that can be used to build a validation check for a data exchange between two systems. A typical use case is the harvesting of one catalogue into another.
It is up to the implementers of the data exchange to define the validation they expect. Each data exchange happens within a context, and that context is beyond the SHACL expressions here.
For instance, it might be known that the exchanged data does not contain the details of the organisations, as they are all uniquely identified by a deferenceable URI. In such case, the rules regarding the check of the mandatory existence of a name for each organisation is probably not relevant. A strict execution of the DCAT-AP SHACL expressions will raise errors, although the data is available through a different channel. In this example, it is valid to not include this check in this validation step.
The example illustrates that in order to get the right user experience of a validation process, one has to consider what is actually transferred between the systems. And use the constraints that are in scope of the data exchange. To assist this process the SHACL expressions are grouped in distinct files, matching already typical validation setups.
This section describes the use of Dataset Series via examples. All examples are fictitious and are created to facilitate the understanding of Dataset Series. This section complements the usage explained in section Dataset series in DCAT 3 [[vocab-dcat-3]], because it illustrates the decision making process when switching from publishing a single Dataset to a Dataset Series.
Consider the dataset 'Bee population in Greece" published by the Greek Environment Agency. Users can download the data as a CSV or an RDF file.
To see the evolution in the bee population, the Greek Environment Agency publishes an update each year. This update can be reflected in the DCAT-AP description in various ways.
The first option is to update and renew the metadata each update. For instance, the temporal coverage changes from the period "2020 - 2022" to "2020 - 2023".
This solution has as benefit that new information is shared with a minimal effort of publisher. However, this approach removes the previous state of affairs from the metadata and also does not reflect the aggregation and publishing effort for the dataset in the metadata. In some cases this is a desired outcome.
The alternative option is the creation of a new dataset description. Often this choice is a voluntary decision, however it might be enforced by legislation. Legislation can impose to share an audited dataset reflecting the state of affairs on a reference date.
The creation of new dataset also impacts the metadata, as the generic title "Bee population" cannot be maintained for both. A publisher must perform a minimal disambiguation effort to make the two datasets distinct.
Independent of the metadata descriptions, a core decision to take is whether the dataset BeePopulation2022
is also contained in the dataset BeePopulation2023
Either case is valuable and seen in practice.
However, without expressing any relationships between the datasets this approach has a major drawback: a search on the catalogue for bee population will result in several variants of the same dataset. The catalogue user is not provided with any guidance to select the most recent or most appropriate one. To address that use case, Dataset Series come into the picture. Dataset Series offer a structured approach to order or organise the datasets by the publisher for the catalogue user.
To support the data portal users, the Greek Environment Agency starts managing a Dataset Series BeePopulation
As the dataset BeePopulation2023
is more recent than BeePopulation2022
, a navigation ordering is added.
In most cases, the navigation is a single chain sequence, although tree organised structures are not prohibited.
Similarly as the introduction of a new dataset description, the introduction of a Dataset Series impacts the metadata of the involved datasets.
For instance the notion of the update frequency becomes more precise. In case of a single dataset description, the statement, in the example below, means that the dataset is updated each year.
So each year the actual data to which this dataset provides access to changes, and the most recent information can be found via this metadata.
However; when the publisher will introduce a new dataset description each year, the update frequency of an existing dataset is none. Namely it will not be updated. Without a Dataset Series notion the information of the yearly update is lost.
Users expect that metadata of Dataset Series is coherent with the collection of datasets it refers to. Up to 2022, the Greek Environment Agency only had the ability to provide the information for the region of Thessaloniki, and shared that via the spatial coverage.
From 2023 onwards, data for the region of Athens is also provided. As a consequence, not only the spatial coverage of the new dataset BeePopulation2023
will reflect that, but also the one of the Dataset Series.
Namely the geographical coverage of a dataset series will cover the union of all places of each dataset associated with the Dataset Series.
A similar coherency concern applies to the temporal coverage of datasets. Publisher are advised to verify the properties title and description to match any reference to temporal and geographical coverage information with the properties.
The metadata descriptions of a Dataset Series provide insight in how this collection of datasets evolves.
The release date of the Dataset Series BeePopulation
correspond to the moment the collection has been issued for the first time.
In many cases this moment corresponds to the earliest release date of the dataset in the collection.
In the example, the Dataset BeePopulation2022
was first issued on 2022-04-01
while shortly after, the Dataset Series was created.
This relationship between the issuing date and the oldest dataset in the collection can reduce over time. The Greek Environment Agency and the National History Archives start to collaborate on the use and production of honey. That project results in new datasets on bee populations predating 2022. To make that information visible, the Dataset Series collection is updated with these historic datasets.
The modification date of the Dataset Series is the moment the collection has changed.
The addition of the historic datasets changes the collection, and thus the modification date of the Dataset Series is set to 2023-06-01
To make the datasets easier to use, the Greek Environment Agency introduces a new API platform. Via this API platform the datasets are not only downloadable in tabular format, but also in the international Biodiversity JSON format.
, and so it is not necessary to adapt the modification date of the dataset.
Similarly adding or removing distributions to a dataset did not affected the membership of dataset BeePopulation2023
in the Dataset Series.
And thus the modification date of the Dataset Series is not adapted.
To support the users even more, the API platform is extended with a possibility to get life counts of the bee population.
This means that there is a dataset which data is updated very frequently, eg. every second.
In that case providing a modification date for the dataset becomes a technical challenge, but also it reduces it value.
Namely one gets the data at query time.
Class | Class IRI | Property Type | Property | Property IRI |
Activity | |
Agent | |
Mandatory | name | |
Agent | |
Recommended | type | |
Attribution | |
Catalogue | |
Mandatory | description | |
Catalogue | |
Mandatory | publisher | |
Catalogue | |
Mandatory | title | |
Catalogue | |
Recommended | dataset | |
Catalogue | |
Recommended | geographical coverage | |
Catalogue | |
Recommended | homepage | |
Catalogue | |
Recommended | language | |
Catalogue | |
Recommended | licence | |
Catalogue | |
Recommended | modification date | |
Catalogue | |
Recommended | release date | |
Catalogue | |
Recommended | service | |
Catalogue | |
Recommended | themes | |
Catalogue | |
Optional | applicable legislation | |
Catalogue | |
Optional | catalogue | |
Catalogue | |
Optional | creator | |
Catalogue | |
Optional | has part | |
Catalogue | |
Optional | record | |
Catalogue | |
Optional | rights | |
Catalogue | |
Optional | temporal coverage | |
Catalogue Record | |
Mandatory | modification date | |
Catalogue Record | |
Mandatory | primary topic | |
Catalogue Record | |
Recommended | application profile | |
Catalogue Record | |
Recommended | change type | |
Catalogue Record | |
Recommended | listing date | |
Catalogue Record | |
Optional | description | |
Catalogue Record | |
Optional | language | |
Catalogue Record | |
Optional | source metadata | |
Catalogue Record | |
Optional | title | |
Catalogued Resource | |
Checksum | |
Mandatory | algorithm | |
Checksum | |
Mandatory | checksum value | |
Checksum Algorithm | |
Concept | |
Mandatory | preferred label | |
Concept Scheme | |
Mandatory | title | |
Data Service | |
Mandatory | endpoint URL | |
Data Service | |
Mandatory | title | |
Data Service | |
Recommended | conforms to | |
Data Service | |
Recommended | contact point | |
Data Service | |
Recommended | endpoint description | |
Data Service | |
Recommended | keyword | |
Data Service | |
Recommended | publisher | |
Data Service | |
Recommended | serves dataset | |
Data Service | |
Recommended | theme | |
Data Service | |
Optional | access rights | |
Data Service | |
Optional | applicable legislation | |
Data Service | |
Optional | description | |
Data Service | |
Optional | documentation | |
Data Service | |
Optional | format | |
Data Service | |
Optional | landing page | |
Data Service | |
Optional | licence | |
Dataset | |
Mandatory | description | |
Dataset | |
Mandatory | title | |
Dataset | |
Recommended | contact point | |
Dataset | |
Recommended | dataset distribution | |
Dataset | |
Recommended | geographical coverage | |
Dataset | |
Recommended | keyword | |
Dataset | |
Recommended | publisher | |
Dataset | |
Recommended | temporal coverage | |
Dataset | |
Recommended | theme | |
Dataset | |
Optional | access rights | |
Dataset | |
Optional | applicable legislation | |
Dataset | |
Optional | conforms to | |
Dataset | |
Optional | creator | |
Dataset | |
Optional | documentation | |
Dataset | |
Optional | frequency | |
Dataset | |
Optional | has version | |
Dataset | |
Optional | identifier | |
Dataset | |
Optional | in series | |
Dataset | |
Optional | is referenced by | |
Dataset | |
Optional | landing page | |
Dataset | |
Optional | language | |
Dataset | |
Optional | modification date | |
Dataset | |
Optional | other identifier | |
Dataset | |
Optional | provenance | |
Dataset | |
Optional | qualified attribution | |
Dataset | |
Optional | qualified relation | |
Dataset | |
Optional | related resource | |
Dataset | |
Optional | release date | |
Dataset | |
Optional | sample | |
Dataset | |
Optional | source | |
Dataset | |
Optional | spatial resolution | |
Dataset | |
Optional | temporal resolution | |
Dataset | |
Optional | type | |
Dataset | |
Optional | version | |
Dataset | |
Optional | version notes | |
Dataset | |
Optional | was generated by | |
Dataset Series | |
Mandatory | description | |
Dataset Series | |
Mandatory | title | |
Dataset Series | |
Recommended | contact point | |
Dataset Series | |
Recommended | geographical coverage | |
Dataset Series | |
Recommended | publisher | |
Dataset Series | |
Optional | applicable legislation | |
Dataset Series | |
Optional | frequency | |
Dataset Series | |
Optional | modification date | |
Dataset Series | |
Optional | release date | |
Dataset Series | |
Optional | temporal coverage | |
Distribution | |
Mandatory | access URL | |
Distribution | |
Recommended | availability | |
Distribution | |
Recommended | description | |
Distribution | |
Recommended | format | |
Distribution | |
Recommended | licence | |
Distribution | |
Optional | access service | |
Distribution | |
Optional | applicable legislation | |
Distribution | |
Optional | byte size | |
Distribution | |
Optional | checksum | |
Distribution | |
Optional | compression format | |
Distribution | |
Optional | documentation | |
Distribution | |
Optional | download URL | |
Distribution | |
Optional | has policy | |
Distribution | |
Optional | language | |
Distribution | |
Optional | linked schemas | |
Distribution | |
Optional | media type | |
Distribution | |
Optional | modification date | |
Distribution | |
Optional | packaging format | |
Distribution | |
Optional | release date | |
Distribution | |
Optional | rights | |
Distribution | |
Optional | spatial resolution | |
Distribution | |
Optional | status | |
Distribution | |
Optional | temporal resolution | |
Distribution | |
Optional | title | |
Document | |
Frequency | |
Geometry | |
Identifier | |
Mandatory | notation | |
Kind | |
Legal Resource | |
Licence Document | |
Recommended | type | |
Linguistic system | |
Literal | |
Location | |
Recommended | bbox | |
Location | |
Recommended | centroid | |
Location | |
Optional | geometry | |
Media Type | |
Media Type or Extent | |
Period of time | |
Recommended | end date | |
Period of time | |
Recommended | start date | |
Period of time | |
Optional | beginning | |
Period of time | |
Optional | end | |
Policy | |
Provenance Statement | |
Relationship | |
Mandatory | had role | |
Relationship | |
Mandatory | relation | |
Resource | |
Rights statement | |
Role | |
Standard | |
The following URIs used in DCAT-AP release 2.x for properties have been deprecated in DCAT-AP 3.0 [[vocab-dcat-3]] in favor for the URIs within the DCAT namespace.
To identify these deprecations, a SHACL shape is provided.