Copyright © 2024
This document provides the guidelines on how to use DCAT-AP for a dataset that is subject to the requirements imposed by the High-Value Dataset implementing regulation (HVD IR). The document is called the "usage guidelines of DCAT-AP for High-Value Datasets", in short DCAT-AP HVD. It means that these guidelines are on top of the existing guidelines expressed by DCAT-AP.
To understand these guidelines, it is important to realise that the HVD IR applies to a subset of all the datasets that are collected by (Open) Data Portals in Europe. A single catalogue contains catalogued resources which are within and outside scope of the HVD IR.
This document supports the need for a common usage of DCAT-AP for catalogued resources within the scope of the High-Value Dataset implementing regulation. When conforming to these guidelines, a dataset within the scope of the regulation will have satisfied the minimum metadata requirements to be included in the mandatory reporting of the regulation. It, however, does not mean an automated compliance with the regulation because certain aspects are beyond DCAT-AP. For instance, the regulation imposes certain data aspects to be present, or the licencing requires to be more permissive than CC-BY 4.0. Such requirements cannot be verified by just inspecting the DCAT-AP description, but the DCAT-AP description will assist in the assessment.
DCAT-AP HVD supports the implementers of the regulation in their assessment of their state of play. When applying the guidelines to the metadata of their datasets, which are in scope of the regulation, the necessary attention will be raised to drive towards conformance. At the same time, this effort will create an immediate benefit for the European citizens and businesses. Any improvement of the metadata will immediately flow throughout the European network of (Open) Data Portals and thus increase the level of metadata quality.
This application profile has the status SEMIC Recommendation published at 2024-10-25.
Information about the process and the decisions involved in the creation of this specification are consultable at the Changelog.
Copyright © 2024 European Union. All material in this repository is published under the license CC-BY 4.0, unless explicitly otherwise mentioned.
An Application Profile is a specification that reuses terms from one or more base standards, adding more specificity by identifying mandatory, recommended and optional elements to be used for a particular application, as well as recommendations for controlled vocabularies to be used.
An Annex to an Application Profile is a specification that precises the use of some aspects of the Application Profile for a specific context.
Despite DCAT-AP HVD being called an Annex to DCAT-AP it has all the properties of an application profile of DCAT-AP. The notion Annex is intended to reflect the close proximity of this document to DCAT-AP. In case there are changes to DCAT-AP, this document will be updated too. Nevertheless, to keep the impact on the document to the minimum and maximize the readibility in relationship to the HVD IR, only the classes and properties that are featured explicitly in the HVD IR are listed in this document.
This specification uses the following prefixes to shorten the URIs for readibility.Prefix | Namespace IRI |
adms | |
dcat | |
dcatap | |
dct | |
foaf | |
rdf | |
rdfs | |
skos | |
vcard | |
xsd | |
DCAT-AP HVD is an annex to DCAT-AP. It describes additional usage of the DCAT-AP to satisfy the High-Value Dataset implementing regulation (HVD IR). In this document only the additional information, that is required for the catalogued resources which are within scope of the regulation, is included. In any other case, the guidelines of DCAT-AP itself are applicable. To make this more visible for the reader, cross-references have been included to DCAT-AP.
As the publication URL indicates this version of DCAT-AP HVD is based on DCAT-AP 3.0.0.An overview of DCAT-AP HVD is shown by the UML diagram below. The UML diagram illustrates the specification described in this document. For readability purposes the representation has been condensed as follows:
For readibility of this document as an annex to DCAT-AP, the core relationships between classes are included.
This document describes the usage of the following main entities for a correct usage of the Application Profile:
Catalogue |
Catalogue Record |
Catalogued Resource |
Data Service |
Dataset |
Dataset Series |
Distribution |
Kind |
Licence Document |
The main entities are supported by:
Concept |
Document |
Legal Resource |
Literal |
Resource |
Rights statement |
Standard |
The main entities are those that form the core of the Application Profile. The properties and their associated constraints that apply in the context of this profile are listed in a tabular form. Each row corresponds to one property. In addition to the constraints also cross-references are provided to DCAT and DCAT-AP. For the last, to save space, the following abbreviations are used:
Property | Range | Card | Definition | Usage | Reuse |
dataset | Dataset | 0..* | A Dataset that is part of the Catalogue. | As empty Catalogues are usually indications of problems, this property should be combined with the next property service to implement an empty Catalogue check. | A |
record | Catalogue Record | 0..* | A Catalogue Record that is part of the Catalogue | A | |
service | Data Service | 0..* | A site or end-point (Data Service) that is listed in the Catalogue. | As empty Catalogues are usually indications of problems, this property should be combined with the previous property dataset to implement an empty Catalogue check. | A |
Property | Range | Card | Definition | Usage | Reuse |
primary topic | Catalogued Resource | 1 | A link to the Dataset, Data service or Catalog described in the record. | A catalogue record will refer to one entity in a catalogue. This can be either a Dataset or a Data Service. To ensure an unambigous reading of the cardinality the range is set to Catalogued Resource. However it is not the intend with this range to require the explicit use of the class Catalogued Record. As abstract class, an subclass should be used. | A |
Property | Range | Card | Definition | Usage | Reuse |
applicable legislation | Legal Resource | 1..* | The legislation that mandates the creation or management of the Data Service. |
For HVD the value MUST include the ELI
As multiple legislations may apply to the resource the maximum cardinality is not limited. |
E |
contact point | Kind | 1..* | Contact information that can be used for sending comments about the Data Service. | Article 3.4 requires the designation of a point of contact for an API. | E |
documentation | Document | 1..* | A page that provides additional information about the Data Service. | Quality of service covers a broad spectrum of aspects. The HVD regulation does not list any mandatory topic. Therefore quality of service information is considered part of the generic documentation of a Data Service. | E |
endpoint description | Resource | 0..* | A description of the services available via the end-points, including their operations, parameters etc. |
The property gives specific details of the actual endpoint instances, while dct:conformsTo is used to indicate the general standard or specification that the endpoints implement.
Article 3.3 requires to provide API documentation in a Union or internationally recognised open, human-readable and machine-readable format. |
E |
endpoint URL | Resource | 1..* | The root location or primary endpoint of the service (an IRI). | The endpoint URL SHOULD be persistent. This means that publishers should do everything in their power to maintain the value stable and existing. | E |
HVD category | Concept | 1..* | The HVD category to which this Data Service belongs. | P | |
licence | Licence Document | 0..1 | A licence under which the Data service is made available. | Article 3.3 specifies that the terms of use should be provided. According to the guidelines for legal Information in DCAT-AP HVD this is fulfilled by providing by preference a licence. As alternative rights can be used. | E |
rights | Rights statement | 0..* | A statement that specifies rights associated with the Distribution. | Article 3.3 specifies that the terms of use should be provided. According to the guidelines for legal Information in DCAT-AP HVD this is fulfilled by providing by preference a licence. As alternative rights can be used. | P |
serves dataset | Dataset | 0..* | This property refers to a collection of data that this data service can distribute. |
An API in the context of HVD is not a standalone resource. It is used to open up HVD datasets. Therefore each Data Service is at least tightly connected with a Dataset.
A Dataset MUST have an associated Data Service, besides the exceptions listed in the HVD IR. This can be either specified directly, using this property, or indirectly. More information on this obligation see [[[#apis-are-mandatory]]]. |
E |
Property | Range | Card | Definition | Usage | Reuse |
applicable legislation | Legal Resource | 1..* | The legislation that mandates the creation or management of the Dataset. |
For HVD the value must include the ELI
As multiple legislations may apply to the resource the maximum cardinality is not limited. |
E |
conforms to | Standard | 0..* | An implementing rule or other specification. | The provided information should enable to the verification whether the detailed information requirements by the HVD is satisfied. For more usage suggestions see section on specific data requirements. | A |
contact point | Kind | 0..* | Contact information that can be used for sending comments about the Dataset. | A | |
dataset distribution | Distribution | 0..* | An available Distribution for the Dataset. | The HVD IR is a quality improvement of existing datasets. The intention is that HVD datasets are publicly and open accessible. Therefore a Distribution is expected to be present. (Article 3.1) This section provides more information how this strong recommendation is implemented. | E |
HVD Category | Concept | 1..* | The HVD category to which this Dataset belongs. | P | |
in series | Dataset Series | 0..* | A dataset series of which the dataset is part. | E |
Property | Range | Card | Definition | Usage | Reuse |
applicable legislation | Legal Resource | 1..* | The legislation that mandates the creation or management of the Dataset Series. |
For HVD the value must include the ELI
As multiple legislations may apply to the resource the maximum cardinality is not limited. |
E |
HVD Category | Concept | 1..* | The HVD category to which this Dataset belongs. | P |
Property | Range | Card | Definition | Usage | Reuse |
access service | Data Service | 0..* | A data service that gives access to the distribution of the dataset |
An API in the context of HVD is not a standalone resource. It is used to open up HVD datasets. Therefore each Data Service is at least tightly connected with a Dataset.
A Dataset MUST have an associated Data Service, besides the exceptions listed in the HVD IR. This can be either specified directly or indirectly using this property. More information on this obligation see [[[#apis-are-mandatory]]]. |
E |
access URL | Resource | 1..* | A URL that gives access to a Distribution of the Dataset. | The resource at the access URL contains information about how to get the Dataset. In accordance to the DCAT guidelines it is preferred to also set the downloadURL property if the URL is a reference to a downloadable resource. | A |
applicable legislation | Legal Resource | 1..* | The legislation that mandates the creation or management of the Distribution |
For HVD the value must include the ELI
As multiple legislations may apply to the resource the maximum cardinality is not limited. |
E |
licence | Licence Document | 0..1 | A licence under which the Distribution is made available. | Article 4.3 specifies that High-value datasets should be made available for reuse. According to the guidelines for legal Information in DCAT-AP HVD this is fulfilled by providing by preference a licence. As alternative rights can be used. | E |
linked schemas | Standard | 0..* | An established schema to which the described Distribution conforms. | The provided information should enable to the verification whether the detailed information requirements by the HVD is satisfied. For more usage suggestions see section on specific data requirements. | A |
rights | Rights statement | 0..* | A statement that specifies rights associated with the Distribution. | Article 4.3 specifies that High-value datasets should be made available for reuse. According to the guidelines for legal Information in DCAT-AP HVD this is fulfilled by providing by preference a licence. As alternative rights can be used. | E |
Property | Range | Card | Definition | Usage | Reuse |
contact page | Resource | 0..1 | A webpage that either allows to make contact (i.e. a webform) or the information contains how to get into contact. | P | |
Resource | 0..1 | A email address via which contact can be made. | P |
Property URI | Used for Class | Vocabulary name | Vocabulary URI | Usage note |
dcatap:hvdCategory | Dataset | EU Vocabularies HVD Categories | | |
dcatap:hvdCategory | Data Service | EU Vocabularies HVD Categories | | |
dcatap:hvdCategory | Dataset Series | EU Vocabularies HVD Categories | |
The HVD implementation regulation uses the terms Dataset, Bulk Download and API.
In the context of DCAT-AP, a HVD Dataset is mapped on a Dataset, Bulk Download on a Distribution and API on a Data Service. To be conformant with the use of DCAT-AP in the context of the HVD IR, this mapping MUST be followed.
To make the text easier to read, with a HVD Dataset we mean a Dataset in scope of the HVD implementing regulation. The same pattern is applied to other entities.
A Dataset is a HVD Dataset if and only if a MS has included it in its reporting. The HVD IR defines High-Value Datasets. It may be possible that the same definition applies to multiple entities. In that case, a Member State should select the most appropriate one, according to the rules in the regulation. If the Member State decides to include multiple entities in the reporting, the requirements set out in the HVD IR will apply to all these entities. Also, if a Member State decides to include a dataset in the HVD reporting for which inclusion is not mandatory, then the requirements of the HVD IR will apply. The report is an engagement of the Member State to the European data community to sustain those datasets.
If a re-user discovers a dataset that seems to be in scope of the HVD IR, then the responsible MS should be able to provide an explanation why it is not included in the reporting. One response to this question could be by providing the relevant HVD Dataset corresponding to that dataset.
It is important to note that the identification of a dataset to be a HVD Dataset is an action that has to be approved by its Member State representative responsible for the implementation of the HVD IR. The official reporting and the metadata shared to the public SHOULD coincide. Member States therefore must coordinate their activities to avoid unintended deviations. Consequently, the application of DCAT-AP HVD is only necessary if the intention is to comply with the HVD IR and DCAT-AP metadata is being exchanged. As stated in the introduction, the use of DCAT-AP HVD is not obliged by the HVD IR, but in the case of exchanging DCAT-AP metadata of HVD Datasets this specification should be followed.
of the HVD IR for the property applicable legislation.
For the reporting, a Member State can provide a catalogue containing all elements that are within scope for the reporting of the HVD IR.
In that case the catalogue should also set the value for the property applicable legislation to the ELI of the HVD.
When a Dataset is within scope of HVD, it is not mandatory that all distributions are within scope of HVD. Existing metadata remains valid. Our recommendations ensure that existing metadata (specified in DCAT-AP or other frameworks like INSPIRE) remains valid. Becoming a Dataset in scope of HVD is an additional operation.
When a Data Service offers access to multiple datasets and this Data Service fulfils the HVD requirements (e.g. the HVD API for that dataset) for a HVD then the HVD requirements apply only to that HVD. It is common that the same API service endpoint (denoted by a dcat:DataService) provides access to multiple datasets. As such, it is to be expected that only some of the datasets are within scope of HVD. Like for Distributions, the HVD does not enforce that all Datasets associated with a Data Service must be in scope of HVD. Nevertheless, it must be noted that the HVD requirements on a Data Service might indirectly impact the other datasets that are available through the same data service, because a Data Service will share the operational and service level requirements for all its associated datasets.
In general, the requirements of the HVD IR are satisfied when the best practices of DCAT-AP on identifiers are followed. According to HVD IR the identifiers provided in the report should be an online reference to the metadata.
In short these are:
The HVD IR requires as part of the reporting requirements (article 5.3), that Licensing Conditions and APIs have persistent links.
Persistence means that, for these entities, Member States take the responsibility to maintain the real world resource indefinitely and additionally reduce the accessibility challenge by maintaining the same name for that real world resource indefinitely. Thus for the entities that MSs include in the reporting and for which the reporting requires a persistent link, a MS makes a persistent commitment.
As DCAT-AP is a Semantic Web data specification, persistence is associated with the use persistent URIs (PURIs) for the metadata descriptions. A general advice for DCAT-AP implementers is to use PURIs for all entities, but mostly for Datasets and Data Services. The practice, though, shows that this is not universally applied. To reduce this gap between the intention and the practice DCAT-AP has proposed a number of guidelines on identifiers [[IdentifierGuidelines]]. Implementers of the HVD IR are advised to read these guidelines to understand how identity might or might not be preserved from one data portal to another, and take the appropriate actions.
In article 5.3 of the HVD IR, the broad term Licensing Conditions is used, while in the other parts of the regulation the term Licence is used. DCAT-AP provides several means to express legal information, notably the properties licence (dct:license) and rights (dct:rights). This may lead to questions whether rights are included by the reporting requirement. As the final objective is to provide a trusted legal statement, it is considered that the requirement for a persistent link applies to rights too.
The reporting requirement for a persistent link for APIs is ambiguous from the perspective of DCAT-AP. In DCAT-AP, there is the identifier for the Data Service, i.e. the description about the API, and the property endpoint URL, which is the technical endpoint via which the data exchange will happen. The impact that the persistency requirement has on each is different and requires special attention from the HVD Dataset publisher. As the HVD IR does not specify precisely which case it covers, both are considered in scope. That means that a Data Service has a PURI and that its endpoint URL is persistent.
DCAT-AP does not impose persistent identification of an endpoint URL. It, however, expects a life-cycle management of the API through metadata. For that, DCAT-AP recommends to follow the DCAT guidelines on Resource life-cycle.
For example, consider an API which is at the end of its lifecycle. According to DCAT(-AP), the PURI of the Data Service could get the status ‘deprecated’ and the endpoint URL could be made void when it is taken offline. Any data portal user would understand that this Data Service should not to used anymore. If the metadata is augmented with the information about the successor of the Data Service, the data portal owner can be guided to the new Data Service.
The impact for a user of the endpoint URL is higher: systems might get broken when the endpoint URL is taken offline. This situation is the result of a shared responsibility: either the publishers did not apply a decent life cycle management, or the users did not inform the publisher about their critical dependency. Because of this, even if the API gives open access to open data, users that are dependent on the API are advised to inform the publisher about their existence. But also, publishers must improve their life cycle management for these APIs so that re-users get the right information and can take the change of the endpoint of the API into account in their roadmaps.
The enforcement of a persistent link for the endpoint URL will reduce the occurrence of such cases, but it will not make them disappear. And this enforcement imposes additional care on the Data Services (APIs) by HVD publishers. When an API is moved to a new platform (e.g. from a local API gateway to an organisation-wide one), the original endpoint URL must be maintained, and also the metadata management must be maintained.
In summary, the recommendation is to have persistency for both aspects of the API: its metadata identifier as its endpoint URL.
The HVD IR requires a high level of metadata quality for legal information. The information should be provided in machine and human readable format, using a persistent link. Furthermore, it should be possible to investigate whether the legal conditions are equal or more permissive than the reference CC-BY 4.0.
Despite these strong requirements, the HVD IR does not alter the recommendations and practice of expressing legal information in DCAT-AP. The HVD requirements do extend or precise how the legal information technically should be provided. In the DCAT-AP legal information corresponds to licences and as well to rights expressions. In currently allowed practice, licence information may thus be supplied by a collection of rights statements, in cases that national legislation does not allow to provide a licence document. This is compatible with the HVD IR, and in that case, the HVD requirements will also apply to the rights statements. HVD IR also does not force to adapt the current DCAT-AP principle to indicate the legal information at the most precise level in the metadata description: i.e., Data Service and Distribution, therefore this principle is maintained. The latter has also the consequence that a Distribution or Data Service must be supplied for sharing the legal information.
Catalogue owners are advised to assess the legal information provided by the publishers according to flows in the figures below.
For instance, if a publisher provides licence information referring to a licence document made online accessible by the publisher itself, then the publisher of that information must implement the HVD quality requirements for licence documents.
The decision trees in the figures allow to assess whether or not additional effort has to be performed.
In the reporting requirements of the HVD IR, the notion terms of use is used. It has been agreed, by the Working Group for DCAT-AP HVD, that providing terms of use information is the same as providing legal information for a Data Service.
or owl:sameAs
or skos:narrowMatch
or rdfs:seeAlso
is not recommended; they should only be used as last resort.
If non of the first two approaches could be used, then sharing matching information using these weaker properties may still assist the assessment.
But the decision on compliance with the HVD IR is then left to the interpretation by the European Commission.
Using the SKOS matching properties requires to agree on a direction to indicate "more permissive than". In accordance to the hierarchy relationship of SKOS in which the most generic concept (the concept higher in the hierarchy, i.e. closer to the top-concept) is more general than the leaf concept the recommendation is to have the most permissive licences at the top and the most restrictive at the bottom.
From the definition of the SKOS relations and the definition of the corresponding SKOS mapping relations, a MS specific licence will be expressed as follows as more permissive than CC-BY-4.0. Because skos:closeMatch is an indication that one concept is marginally more general or more precise than the other, it cannot be used to indicate the level op permissiveness. As described above skos:exactMatch should be used preferably.
The HVD IR request a contact point for APIs.
This requirement is implemented as the following recommendation. A contact point is mandatory for HVD Data Services and recommended for HVD Datasets either in the form of a (persistent) email address or a link to a contact form on a webpage, e.g. to contact a service desk.
The HVD implementation regulation describes, in its Annex, precisely the data elements that should be provided for a HVD Dataset. A HVD Dataset must conform to the rules defined in the HVD IR.
It is recommended to provide a reference to a public document (for instance: data standards) that describes the internals of the Dataset (or Distribution) using the property conforms to. This ensures that the information is made publicly accessible for re-users. It can be used by experts to verify if the Dataset matches the HVD requirements.
An alternative approach is the use of a self declaration of conformance. In this case the publisher of the HVD Dataset declares itself that it conforms to all data technical details the HVD IR imposes. The INSPIRE community has used this approach before. As the assessment of the validity of such self-declaration is a domain specific activity requiring expert knowledge, DCAT-AP HVD does not proposes a general self declaration statement. But leaves the design of such statement to the data experts of the HVD categories to provide an trustable approach.
serves dataset
to the Dataset.access service
from a Distribution to a Dataset.Consider that a dataset "The population of bees" is within scope of the HVD while another dataset "The population of wasps" is not. Both datasets however, are in scope of the INSPIRE directive. The dataset "The population of bees" is also tagged with the appropriate HVD Category. Observe that the solely the most granular concept "Nature preservation and biodiversity" is provided. The generic top-level category can be derived from it.
Both datasets are published by the Environment Agency of the EU Memberstate ExampleMS
using a persistent identifier.
The datasets are published on the EU Memberstates national data portal
This portal provides another identifier to the datasets.
Because that new identifier is not the master identifier, the portal avoids this by sharing this identifier in its published DCAT-AP catalogue by listing it as an additional identifier.
The datasets are downloadable in various formats and level of detail. In our example, the data is available in two formats: RDF and ESRI shapefile format. According to the HVD IR the datasets must minimally be available in bulk download with the granularity of 50 square kilometres and with a bi-yearly update frequency. It must also be available in an open format for geospatial data. Based on these requirements, the publisher of the dataset decides to indicate that the shape-based distribution is a HVD bulk download.
The HVD IR also specifies that the dataset should at least provide information about the number of bees, the calculation method, the amount of honey being harvested and the number of beekeepers active in the area. The publisher describes the data semantically using an application profile, and provides detailed data schema documentation for each distribution.
According to the HVD IR, the "bee population" dataset must be made available via an API. The dataset publisher has an API platform deployed, via which data users have access to realtime data. This API platform supports all datasets of the publisher.
Because the API platform is provided as the API for the "bee population" dataset, the HVD implementing regulation requirements apply. This means that the endpoint URL must be persistent. The publisher should perform maximal effort to keep the endpoint URL stable. For instance, deploying a new API platform or changing organisation names should not impact the endpoint URL.
To provide information about the use of the API platform, the publisher provides OpenAPI technical documentation and an SLA to document the quality of service.
To address any questions by the users the publisher operates a service desk.
The Member State (MS) imposes, via its legislation, to use national data licences for public bodies. Therefore, the dataset publisher is required to use one of them. As support to the community, the MS has published the data licences as a SKOS taxonomy, using persistent URIs. For the "wasp population" dataset, a restrictive licence is chosen because the data is based on information that has commercial rights including fees. The "bee population" dataset is shared with a very permissive licence.
In order to support the assessment of the used licences, the MS maps the licences to the NAL Licences [[NAL-Licence]].
The HVD IR requires the licence for the Bee population dataset is at least as permissive as CC-BY 4.0.
Since the Bee population licence is
and it is an exact match with
, and this CC0 licence is more permissive than CC-BY-4.0, the HVD requirement is met.
Because in producing the RDF representation additional provenance information is included that is sensitive, the publisher changes the licence for that distribution to a more restrictive one.
Although this restricted licence
does not meet the HVD requirements for the "bee population" dataset, the "bee population" dataset is still conformant to the HVD implementing regulation as the RDF distribution was not within scope of the HVD.
The same reasoning holds for the "wasp population" dataset.
This illustrates the flexibility the DCAT-AP HVD specification offers to address complex and rare scenarios data publishers might face.
The Data Service exampleMS:EAMS-APIplatform
provides access to both datasets.
The legal conditions on the usage of the platform for the "bee population" dataset is a combination of the API platform conditions (e.g. no misuse by triggering DDOS activities, no sharing of access tokens to third parties, etc. ) and the dataset conditions.
The API request
has thus different conditions than
Therefore, the nature of the licence document, associated with a Data Service, is usually more oriented to the use of the API platform rather than to the use of the data it provides access too.
In the example the 'Terms of Use' for the API platform are mentioned as the license. In addition, the API platform can also indicate the SLA it offers.
The MS reports its HVD conformance status by providing a catalogue containing all metadata in scope of HVD. To facilitate the conformance assessment, it will only include the Datasets, Dataset Series, Data Services and Distributions that are in scope of HVD. The catalogue will also contain any additional supportive information such as ContactPoints, Agents and the mapping for the licences to the EU Licences.
To reduce the risk of misinterpretation, the Catalogue Resource connecting properties such as dcat:servesDataset
and dcat:distribution
should be inspected to not refer to Catalogued Resources outside the scope of HVD. In the example below, the reference to the RDF distribution for the "bee population"
and the "wasp population" dataset are removed from the reporting catalogue. During the collection stage of the common reporting approach a sparql query will perform
this scoping.
Based on this catalogue the MS can be audited for its conformance. During the assessment it might occur that the supplied information is not sufficient, and that the assessment must follow the references outside the supplied catalogue. E.g., when assessing the permissiveness of the licences the details of the referenced EU Licence must be consulted. Crossing these boundaries is a regular occurrence and it can be done during the assessment without impacting the results when the supplied data is based on persistent identifiers (PURIs).
The use of dereferenceable persistent identifiers could also lead to another agreement to supply a more condensed representation of the reporting catalogue. Under the condition that all catalogued resources in scope of HVD are in the Portal for European Data [[DEU]], the reporting by an MS could be reduced to sharing the minimal information how to collect these resources. In the common reporting approach the set of harvested MS catalogues containing HVD information is requested. With that all the necessary information for the reporting is extracted from the DEU.
Class | Class IRI | Property Type | Property | Property IRI |
Catalogue | |
Recommended | dataset | |
Catalogue | |
Recommended | service | |
Catalogue | |
Optional | record | |
Catalogue Record | |
Mandatory | primary topic | |
Catalogued Resource | |
Concept | |
Data Service | |
Mandatory | applicable legislation | |
Data Service | |
Mandatory | contact point | |
Data Service | |
Mandatory | documentation | |
Data Service | |
Mandatory | endpoint URL | |
Data Service | |
Mandatory | HVD category | |
Data Service | |
Recommended | endpoint description | |
Data Service | |
Recommended | serves dataset | |
Data Service | |
Optional | licence | |
Data Service | |
Optional | rights | |
Dataset | |
Mandatory | applicable legislation | |
Dataset | |
Mandatory | HVD Category | |
Dataset | |
Recommended | contact point | |
Dataset | |
Recommended | dataset distribution | |
Dataset | |
Optional | conforms to | |
Dataset | |
Optional | in series | |
Dataset Series | |
Mandatory | applicable legislation | |
Dataset Series | |
Mandatory | HVD Category | |
Distribution | |
Mandatory | access URL | |
Distribution | |
Mandatory | applicable legislation | |
Distribution | |
Recommended | access service | |
Distribution | |
Recommended | licence | |
Distribution | |
Optional | linked schemas | |
Distribution | |
Optional | rights | |
Document | |
Kind | |
Recommended | contact page | |
Kind | |
Recommended | |
Legal Resource | |
Licence Document | |
Literal | |
Resource | |
Rights statement | |
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This work was elaborated by a Working Group under SEMIC by Interoperable Europe in collaboration with DG Environment and JRC. Interoperable Europe of the European Commission was represented by Pavlina Fragkou. DG CONNECT was represented by Jiri Pilar and Michal Kuban. Bert Van Nuffelen, Pavlina Fragkou, Jitse De Cock, and Arthur Schiltz were the editors of this specification.
Past and current contributors are : Alberto Abella , Anssi Ahlberg , Adam Arndt , Judie Attard , Julius Belickas , Nick Berkvens , Konstantis Bogucarskis , Peter Bruhn Andersen , Ewa Bukala , Martin Böhm , Nikolai Bülow Tronche , Ana Cano , Eileen Carroll , Egle Cepaitiene , Luisa Cidoncha , Marco Combetto , John Cunningham , Ine de Visser , Kelly Deirdre , Makx Dekkers , Radko Domanska , Iwona Domaszewska , Ulrika Domellöf Mattsson , Alessio Dragoni , Nicolai Draslov , Frederik Emanualsson , Jordi Escriu , Jose-Luis Fernandez-Villacanas , Nuno Freire , Leyre Garralda , Alma Gonzalez , Capser Gras , Bart Hanssens , Kieran Harper , Jasper Heide , Mika Honkanen , Peter Isrealsson , Fabian Kirstein , Michal Kitta , Jakub Klimek , Rae Knowler , Fredrik Knutsson , Peter Kochman , Sirkku Kokkola , Michal Kuban , Kaia Kulla , Maria Lenartowicz , Anja Litka , Anja Loddenkemper , Hagar Lowenthal , Melanie Mageean , Agata Majchrowska , Hugh Mangan , Estelle Maudet , Balint Miklos , Esther Minguela , Joachim Nielandt , Geraldine Nolf , Erik Obsteiner , Javier Orozco , Csapo Orsolya , Matthias Palmer , Alberto Palomo , Francesco Paolicelli , Eirini Pappi , Mihai Paunescu , Sylwia Pichlak Pawlak , Jiri Pilar , Ludger Rinsche , Daniele Rizzi , Joeri Robbrecht , Reet Roosalu , Ana Rosa , Maik Roth , Antonio Rotundo , Michal Ruzicka , Jill Saligoe-Simmel , Fabian Santi , Giovanna Scaglione , Charles-Andrew Vande Catsyne Sciensano , Giampaolo Selitto , Martin Semberger , Paulo Seromenho , Jan Skornsek , Michele Spichtig , Emidio Stani , Kjersti Steien , Simon Steuer , Terje Sylvarnes , Martin Traunmuller , Kees Trautwein , Stavros Tsouderos , Thomas Tursics , Bert Van Nuffelen , Uwe Voges , Gabriella Wiersma , Jesper Zedlitz , Mantas Zimnickas .