SDG Search Service model

Working Draft
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This version


The SDG Search Service model proposed by the Catalogue of Services Action focuses on the information requirements of the Single Digital Gateway Regulation, with a focus on articles 9, 10 and 11. The main use case of this model is to make a minimal set of information about the public services relevant for the regulation easily findable through the YourEurope portal. The model builds on top of the metadata for URLs or metadata required by the repository of links (specification and Implementing Act July 2020). Moreover, it uses as main sources the Core Vocabularies developed and maintained by the ISA² Programme, and in particular the Core Public Service Vocabulary-Application Profile (CPSV-AP). The model is built around two main concepts:

  • Public Service: a mandatory or discretionary set of activities performed, or able to be performed, by or on behalf of a public organisation, publicly funded and arise from public policy. It is covering all information about the services offered by competent authorities in the EEA countries and the European Commission as part of the Single Digital Gateway Regulation (EU) 2018/1724.
  • Webpage: the hypertext document containing the information about the Public Service.

The main idea of the SDG Search Service model is to enable competent authorities to use common metadata to structure their public services, independently from the level of granularity or complexity of these services. The model does not impose to public organisations a fixed number of public services identified as in-scope of the Regulation. Similarly, each public service can have one or several webpages indicated as containing relevant information for this service.

Status of this document

This model has the status of Working Draft published on 2021-06-23.


Provider requirements
In order to conform to the SDG Search Service model, any implementation MUST:

  • Respect the cardinalities indicated in the model;
  • Define each property value according to the type specified;
  • Use the terms (classes and properties) in a way consistent with their semantics.
The SDG Search Service model is technology-neutral and a publisher may use any of the terms defined in this document encoded in any technology although RDF and XML are preferred.

Receiver requirements
In order to conform to the SDG Search Service model, any application that receives metadata MUST be able to:

  • Process information for all classes;
  • Process information for all properties;
  • Process information for alle controlled vocabularies specified.
"Processing" means that receivers must accept incoming data and transparently provide these data to applications and services. It does neither imply nor prescribe what applications and services finally do with the data (parse, convert, store, make searchable, display to users, etc.).


This document describes the usage of the following entities for a correct usage of the data model:
| Event | Linguistic System | Location | Output | Public Organisation | Public Service | Webpage |



This class represents an event that can be of any type that triggers, makes use of, or in some way is related to, a Public Service.
An event can be both a business event as a life event. A Business Event is a specific situation or event in the lifecycle of a business that fulfils one or more needs or (legal) obligations of that business at this specific point in time. A life event represents an important event or situations in a citizen's life where public services may be required.
For this entity the following properties are defined: type.
Property Expected Range Cardinality Description Usage Codelist
type Code 0..* The type of the Event as defined in a controlled vocabulary. Events as proposed in the procedures of Annex II of the Regulation: Similarly to the Output type, the Event type can be derived from the policy code indicated.
  • -birth
  • -residence
  • -studying
  • -working
  • -moving
  • -retiring
  • -starting running and closing a business

Linguistic System

The language in which the Public Service is provided on the Webpage.
For this entity the following properties are defined: language.
Property Expected Range Cardinality Description Usage Codelist
language Code 1 The code which indicates the language. The linguistic system will be defined by the ISO 639-1 code, e.g. 'en' for English. The Publications Office proposes a controlled vocabulary for languages fully compliant with ISA 639-1 (alpha 2): More information can be found here: OP's controlled vocabulary (ISO 639-1)


An identifiable geographic place or named place.
For this entity the following properties are defined: additional name, geographic identifier, geographic name.
Property Expected Range Cardinality Description Usage Codelist
additional name Literal 0..* An additional name of the Location. Next to the geographic name defined by the NUTS/LAU codes, this property makes sure a name for the Location can be chosen outside of the NUTS/LAU codes if needed.
geographic identifier URI 1..* A unique identifier for the Location. NUTS( of Territorial Units for Statistics) or LAU( )(Local administrative units) vocabulary. NUTS 1,2,3 defines regions into three different levels. NUTS 0 is the 'national' level of the Member States. LAU is only defined in a spreadsheet. NUTS and LAU are complementary. It is best to include the lowest level possible, as the higher levels could be automatically retrieved. NUTS and LAU datasets.
geographic name Literal 1..* The geographic name of the Location. It is recommended to use the name in correspondence with the NUTS and LAU dataset indicated under geographic Identifier. e.g. Belgique-België corresponds to NUTS and LAU datasets.


Outputs can be any resource - document, artefact - anything produced by the Public Service. In the context of a Public Service, the output provides an official document or other artefact of the Competent Authority (Public Organisation) that permits/authorises/entitles an Agent (such as the person that is requesting the Public Service) to (do) something.
For this entity the following properties are defined: description, identifier, name, type.
Property Expected Range Cardinality Description Usage Codelist
description Literal 1..* A free text description of the Output.
identifier Literal 1..* A unique identifier of the Output produced by the Public Service.
name Literal 1..* The name of the Output that is produced by the Public Service.
type Code 0..* The type of the Output as defined in a controlled vocabulary. The controlled vocabulary agreed for now is the one defined in the Annex II of the Regulation: When using the different codes from the Regulation, some codes can be retrieved automatically. For example, if the Public Service is identified as relevant for the procedure 'Requesting proof of registration of birth', the Output type 'Proof of registration of birth or birth certificate' can automatically be derived from it and attached to the Public Service and its Output. Annex II output types

Public Organisation

Any Organisation that is defined as being part of the public sector by a legal framework at any level.
The Public Organisation reuses Core Public Organisation Vocabulary (, in which Public Organisation is a Organisation and Agent.
For this entity the following properties are defined: identifier, preferred label, spatial.
Property Expected Range Cardinality Description Usage Codelist
identifier Literal 1..* A unique identifier of the Public Organisation.
preferred label Literal 1..* The preferred label of the Public Organisation. As defined in the ORG Ontology, a preferred label is used to provide the primary, legally recognised name of the organisation. An organisation may only have one such name in any given language. Primary names may be provided in multiple languages with multiple instances of the preferred label property.
spatial Location 1 The Location, or given area, in which the Public Organisation is competent.

Public Service

A Public Service is a mandatory or discretionary set of activities performed, or able to be performed, by or on behalf of a public organisation, publicly funded and arise from public policy. It is covering all information about the services offered by competent authorities in the EEA countries and the European Commission as part of the Single Digital Gateway Regulation (EU) 2018/1724.
Services may be for the benefit of an individual, a business, or other public authority, or groups of any of these. A service exists whether it is used or not, and the term 'benefit' may apply in the sense of enabling the fulfilment of an obligation. Typical examples of public Services are "registering a car", "requesting a birth certificate", etc.
For this entity the following properties are defined: description, has competent authority, has webpage, identifier, is grouped by, name, policy code, produces, spatial.
Property Expected Range Cardinality Description Usage Codelist
description Literal 1..* A free text description of the Public Service. The description is likely to be the text that potential users of the Public Service see in any public service catalogue. Public Service providers are encouraged to include a reasonable level of detail in the description, for instance including basic eligibility requirements for the particular Public Service and contact information. This typically represents part of the content included in the general information page about the Public Service. In practice for the search results in a search engine or in YourEurope, only the top lines will be displayed.
has competent authority Public Organisation 1 Any Member State authority or body established at national, regional or local level with specific responsibilities relating to the information, procedures, assistance and problem-solving services covered by the Single Digital Gateway Regulation. This is aligned with CPSV-AP where the property links a Public Service to a Public Organisation, which is responsible for the delivery of the Public Service. Whether the particular Public Organisation provides the public service directly or outsources it is not relevant. The Public Organisation that is the Competent Authority of the service is the one that is ultimately responsible for managing and providing the public service. The term Competent Authority is defined in the Services Directive (2006/123/EC) in the following way: 'Any body or authority which has a supervisory or regulatory role in a Member State in relation to service activities, including, in particular, administrative authorities, including courts acting as such, professional bodies, and those professional associations or other professional organisations which, in the exercise of their legal autonomy, regulate in a collective manner access to service activities or the exercise thereof'.
has webpage Webpage 1..* The Webpage(s) on which the information is provided about the Public Service. The Member State authority is ultimately responsible for deciding how many Webpages should be identified for each Public Service. In certain countries, each Public Service will be redirected to one Webpage at national level with general information and information about the procedure. In other countries, one Webpage could be indicated per region or sub-national levels.
identifier Literal 1..* A unique identifier of the Public Service.
is grouped by Event 0..* The Event (life/business) that is related to this Public Service.
name Literal 1..* The official name of the Public Service. Each Public Service is denoted by a name, for example 'change of address' for the Public Service which covers the registering of a change of address. The official name is the one allocated by the competent authority.
policy code Code 1..* Controlled vocabulary derived from Annexes I and II which determines the procedure(s) or information area(s) relevant for the Public Service. A Public Service can fall under one or several policy codes of the annexes I and II of the SDGR ( For example: B. Work and retirement within the Union. 1. seeking employment in another Member States. This means it has policy code B1. Annex I and II policy codes
produces Output 0..* The Output, or actual result of a Public Service. Example, a Public Service 'registration of a car', can have as output the 'Registration certificate'.
spatial Location 1..* The Location, or given area, in which the Public Service is available, typically the area covered by a specific competent authority.


The webpage containing the information about the Public Service.
For this entity the following properties are defined: has language, identifier, type, URL.
Property Expected Range Cardinality Description Usage Codelist
has language Linguistic System 1 The Language(s) in which the Webpage is available.
identifier Literal 1..* A unique identifier of the Webpage.
type Code 0..2 The kind of information that can be found on the Webpage. The Single Digital Gateway Regulation defines whether the page points to information or where the user can conduct a procedure.
  • -information
  • -procedure
URL URI 1..* The URL of the webpage.

Changelog w.r.t. previous version


No changelog defined.

JSON-LD context


A reusable JSON-LD context definition for this Core Vocabulary is retrievable at: /context/sdg_en.jsonld