Task type

http://openml.org/openml/task-type : A-Z

  • Clustering
    • DEF : Given an input dataset, the task is to partition it into various clusters.
  • Learning Curve
    • DEF : Given a dataset with a nominal target, various data samples of increasing size are defined. A model is build for each individual data sample; from this a learning curve can be drawn.
  • Machine Learning Challenge
    • DEF : This is a standard machine learning challenge with a hidden private dataset.
  • Subgroup Discovery
    • DEF : TBA
  • Supervised Classification
    • DEF : In supervised classification, you are given an input dataset in which instances are labeled with a certain class. The goal is to build a model that predicts the class for future unlabeled instances. The model is evaluated using a train-test procedure, e.g. cross-validation.
  • Supervised Data Stream Classification
    • DEF : Given a dataset with a nominal target, various data samples of increasing size are defined. A model is build for each individual data sample; from this a learning curve can be drawn.
  • Supervised Regression
    • DEF : Given a dataset with a numeric target and a set of train/test splits, e.g. generated by a cross-validation procedure, train a model and return the predictions of that model.
  • Survival Analysis
    • DEF : Related to Regression. Given a dataset (typically consisting of patient data) predict a left timestamp (date entering the study), right timestamp (date of leaving the study), or both.